As a recognized psychologist from Brazil and based in Berlin, I've developed expertise in addressing multicultural issues, particularly within contexts of change, crises and adaptation. With extensive experience across private and institutional sectors, I specialize in providing professional counselling to individuals and institutions. My expertise centers on helping individuals and organizations in navigating challenges ranging from relational conflicts to mental health concerns, such as stress, depression, anxiety, and disorders. I believe that life's challenges also present opportunities for growth. Therefore my core objective is to collaboratively explore inner resources to overcome these challenges. This process fosters awareness and promotes mental well-being, empowering individuals to triumph over adversity.

License Heilprakter für Psychotherapie (German Health Ministerium)
License Psychologist (CRPSP/90666 - Brazilian Health Ministerium)
M. A – Counselling and organizational development – TU Berlin, Germany
Systemic Counselling - APP Köln Academy for applied psychology and psychotherapy, Cologne, Germany
M. Sc. – Psychology– Human Development and Educational Psychology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dipl. Psych. Psychology Studies, Presbyterien Mackenzie University, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Research Member of the international Research Project CUWB - Children's Understanding of Well-Being
Member of Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (BDP)
Individual's and Couple's Therapy
Individual and Group Counselling
Adolescents and Adults
Supervision for psychologists, educators, social workers and Institutions
Consulting for Institutions
Born in Brazil with an intercultural background, I've achieved proficiency in multiple languages and developed expertise in addressing multicultural issues. Graduating as a psychologist in 2007, I've provided counselling to adolescents, adults, and educators while contributing to research on care, well-being, and culture.
Since settling in Berlin in 2012, I've been actively engaged in counselling refugees, migrants, and non-migrant individuals across educational and childcare settings. Alongside leading educators and social workers in institutional sectors, I've gained extensive experience in addressing intercultural challenges, transitions, crises, as well mental health concerns, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Since 2021 I have established my own practice in Berlin.
Monti, M. (2023). Social justice and children's well-being in out-of-home care settings: significant experiences in Brazil and Germany. EUSARF – Brighton, UK, 13-15 September.
Monti, M. (2023). What does Care actually mean? – A qualitative empirical study about the Children’s Perspective of Care. CUWB Conference 15-17 June.
Monti, M. (2019). Culture industry and reflection. Curitiba: Appris Ed. 255p.
Monti, M. Pedagogy of Oppressed and emancipation trough resignification. IX International Conference on Critical Education. Naples University, Italy, 03-06 July, 2019.
Sequeira, V., Monti, M.; Bracannot, F. (2010): Child protection agency: a reflection on public politics and health promotion. Psicol. estud., 15(4), 861-866.
Sequeira, V. C. ; Vinic, A. A. ; Franco, E. M. ; Silveira, F. ; Nascimento, L. R. ; Monti, M. ; Khoury, L. (2009): psychoeducational measures: significant experiences. In: Boggio P. S.; Campanhã C.. (Org.). Famiy, Gender and Social Inclusion. Ed 1. Sao Paulo: Memnon, B. 1, 120-133.